We are so grateful to have the Sam Houston missions team here. They are making a great impact-- like a meteor makes a crater when it falls to the earth. Through them we are making many connections with students who are hungry for truth. We are so busy because the need is so great. The Lord is providing many opportunities because he loves a willing heart. He is using the willingness of the Sam Houston and Chilean student leaders for great victory.
28 May 2009
Much To Be Done - Much Being Done
We are so grateful to have the Sam Houston missions team here. They are making a great impact-- like a meteor makes a crater when it falls to the earth. Through them we are making many connections with students who are hungry for truth. We are so busy because the need is so great. The Lord is providing many opportunities because he loves a willing heart. He is using the willingness of the Sam Houston and Chilean student leaders for great victory.
26 May 2009
This Week.
The Sam Houston XA team have arrived and have been working since.
Meet the Sam Houston XA Chile Team 2009
Monday at INACAP (a technical university). Here the team worked with students in english classes and met with students in between their classes.
Today the team went to another university, Universidad Catolica del Norte. In this university students study medicine, law, marine biology and more in this genera. During the day the XA team gave a presentation on college life in the United Stated and met with students getting to know them and to invited them to our night event, International "Cool"inary, were students could taste food from different parts of the world. There were about 80 students who attend this event.
20 May 2009
Once- As In Eleven In Spanish
A couple who speaks English, one is from Chile and the other from Europe, has invited Josh, Mayra, Veronica, and me over for "once" (ohn-say, which is dinner) tonight. They do not yet know the Lord but have come to small group a couple of times and showed up at church last Sunday. It was after the church service that they strongly suggested we all get together to hang out just for fun. They made sure we did not part without making specific plans. Now we may miss the 8 o'clock prayer meeting at church-- but isn't this what we've been praying for? Thank you Lord. Your financial and prayer support is making a difference.
One Of The Girls Small Groups Meets At Our House
Not enough matching dishes or place mats + not enough forks + barely enough chairs + not enough space = a good problem to have.
"... I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:10
16 May 2009
Status Update-Missions Night
We (Josh, Mayra, Veronica, and Melody) were in charge of youth group tonight. Youth is officially from ages 15 to 25, although we've seen ages 12 to 40. It was on our hearts to have a missions night. The youth rotated to different stations to pray for different regions of the world. It was really neat to hear some of them pray with fervor for nations and peoples they didn't even know. It is our prayer that tonight was a chance for God to open eyes to the missions lifestyle.
Prayer for the Western World
Prayer for Africa
Prayer for Latin America
Prayer for Asia
Prayer for Middle East
15 May 2009
Status Update- Sam Houston Team Is Coming
A missions team from Sam Houston Chi Alpha is coming in a week. They will be the catalyst for meeting many university students.
Today we have been preparing for their coming....we started choreographing a dance for the Cafe Concert we will have. Tonight we are meeting with student leaders to pray and plan details.
There is so much to do because so many doors have been opened and connections made. Thank you Lord. Thank you for your prayers. God is listening.
14 May 2009
Status Update
we're getting ready for a girls small group tonight...we are having tacos (something Chileans do not usually eat. really. i promise)...the girls want to learn more about the Old Testament....should be 9 of us...a couple do not yet know the Lord....Veronica is leading a song in spanish and english....God is working on hearts....
13 May 2009
Status Update

went for a run this morning....also speed walked in the dry sand where our feet sank down about half a foot with each step....good exercise=good discipline...then we'll be learning more spanish songs for the guitar....then small group tonight with nursing students.
10 May 2009
Small Group Pics

The Lord is Touching Hearts
Just wanted to let you know I am well. More importantly, God has been
moving among university students here. Several non Christian students
have been touched by the Lord and are coming to church and small
group. We are praying for their hearts.
Veronica and I just moved into a house. We already have a small group
ready to meet there each week. We spend a lot of time with students,
ministering to them and teaching them.
Thank you for your prayers and all your support. I'll update when I can.
moving among university students here. Several non Christian students
have been touched by the Lord and are coming to church and small
group. We are praying for their hearts.
Veronica and I just moved into a house. We already have a small group
ready to meet there each week. We spend a lot of time with students,
ministering to them and teaching them.
Thank you for your prayers and all your support. I'll update when I can.
02 May 2009
In Chile
First of all, we are so sorry that we have not made a post since March 28th.
Second, thank you for all your support!!! We appriciate it so so much.
Third, we have made it to Chile!! We arrived April 16th. The travel was adventerous, but without any troubles.
The Lord is doing so much here. Doors are being opened, connections are being made and we are being kept busy.
We have many stories and hope to post some soon.
Second, thank you for all your support!!! We appriciate it so so much.
Third, we have made it to Chile!! We arrived April 16th. The travel was adventerous, but without any troubles.
The Lord is doing so much here. Doors are being opened, connections are being made and we are being kept busy.
We have many stories and hope to post some soon.
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