24 November 2009

The Last Conexión Meeting of the Year

Here in Chile, in a few short weeks, students will be released from school for the summer! In the southern hemisphere it's almost summer!

This season of Conexión has been the first of it´s kind in La Serena. There have been good times spent in fellowship and learning about God and his people. There is so much more work to be done and so much more to learn.

The last Conexión meeting of year consisted of a show-off of talent. Some sang, some showed how to make cookies, some made animal sounds, some whistled with a piece of grass, and some chugged a whole lot of water in a short amount of time.

Here are some pictures of the event.

Cesario serenading us

Pancho "throwing a beat down"

Pedro and Leslie singing a duet

The audience enjoying the entertainment

05 November 2009

Student Conference in Chimbarongo

These are some pictures from the student conference that we helped Josh and Mayra put on for students of Santiago and Chimbarongo.
The theme of the weekend was having a contagious faith.

Josh about having a contagious faith.

Josh and Mayra praying over students

Mayra's workshop over the effectiveness of youth in missions.

Melody and I colaborating on a workshop on how to have a prayer and devotional life while Mayra translated.